Tuesday, July 14, 2015

NASA probe makes history in flyby

NASA says its New Horizons spacecraft completed a historic flyby of Pluto, making its nearest pass over the small, icy world at 7:49 a.m. ET.

Nintendo's CEO Satoru Iwata played by his own rules

Friday, July 3, 2015

Car assembly line robot mortally injures worker in Germany

An automotive assembly line robot mortally injured a worker at a car factory in Germany this week, a prosecutor's office said.

Vandals cut San Francisco area fiber optic lines for 11th time in a year

Fiber optic Internet cables in the San Francisco Bay area have been cut so often in the last year that the FBI is joining the investigation.

Google rushes to fix software that tagged photo with racial slur

When Jacky Alcine looked at his Google Photos app recently, he was appalled by what he saw. The facial recognition software had tagged pictures of him and a friend, both of them African-Americans, with the word "Gorillas."

Long-term life support on Mars possible someday

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Who's accountable if your personal data gets hacked?

The massive breach of federal employees' personal data shows the need to make officials step up the level of security